- Bus Registration Form
- Bussing Availability Request
- Bussing Eligibility
- Driver and Attendant Training
- School Bus Information- My Ride K-12 App
- Special Needs Transportation
- Staff
- Mileage Form
- Transportation Department Goals
- Transportation Guidelines
- Utah Risk Management Driving Course
- Address and Hours
Bus Registration Form
Bussing Availability Request
Bussing Eligibility
-Elementary students who live more than 1.5 miles away from their boundary schools are eligible to ride the bus.
- Secondary students who live more than 2 miles away from their boundary school are eligible to ride the school bus.
The Tooele County School District Transportation Department is using Traversa Ride 360 to view a student’s eligibility for bussing. Please visit to determine if your student is eligible for bussing.
For more information and for any ongoing support such as username and password information, bus stop location questions, or if there are any issues, please contact the Transportation Department at 435-833-1919 or at
Driver and Attendant Training
CDL CLASS #1 Below is CDL Class #1 which covers section 2 in the Utah CDL manual. Once you have completed the video please submit your answers to the test.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE CDL CLASS #1 TEST --------> CDL CLASS #1 TEST CDL Class #2: This class covers the Utah CDL manual sections 2.2-2.8. Once you have completed the video please submit your answers to the test.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE CDL CLASS #2 TEST --------> CDL CLASS #2 TEST CDL CLASS #3 - SAFELY DRIVING Below is CDL Class #3 which covers safely driving from the Utah CDL Manual. Once you have completed the video you must submit your answers to the test.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE CDL CLASS #3 TEST --------> CDL CLASS #3 - SAFELY DRIVING TEST CDL CLASS #4 - RAILROAD & HIGHWAY CROSSINGS Below is CDL Class #4 which covers railroad and highway crossings from the Utah CDL Manual and Operation Lifesaver Program. Once you have completed the video you must submit your answers to the test for credit. CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE CDL CLASS #4 TEST --------> CDL TEST #4 - RAILROAD & HIGHWAY CROSSINGS TEST DRIVER & ATTENDANT TRAINING Below is the Driver and Attendant training put together by TCSD to give you the knowledge and skills to work on a school bus. Please watch the video and then answer the questions by clicking the link to take the test.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE ATTENDANT DRIVER TEST --------> ATTENDANT DRIVER TEST . CDL CLASS #6 Below is CDL Class #6 - Transporting Cargo Safely. Please watch the video and then answer the questions by clicking the link to take the test.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE ATTENDANT DRIVER TEST --------> CDL CLASS #6 - TEST CDL CLASS #7 Below is CDL Class #7 - Transporting Passengers Safely. Please watch the video and then answer the questions by clicking the link to take the test.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE TRANSPORTING PASSENGERS SAFELY TEST --------> CDL CLASS #7 TEST WEEK #2 - DAY 2: CDL CLASS #5 - ACCIDENT PROCEDURES Below is a video covering accident procedures and the policy's that must be followed for our district. If you do not have an accident packet on your bus you must come get one from the main office before going out on route again.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE TEST AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO --------> ACCIDENT PROCEDURES TEST CDL CLASS #8 - SCHOOL BUSES Below is a video covering school buses. Please watch the video and then take the test below to receive credit.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE TEST AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO --------> CDL CLASS #9 TEST DRIVER ATTITUDE TRAINING Below is a video covering employee attitude. Whether you are an Attendant or a Driver it is always important to have a good attitude while at work. Please watch the video and then take the test below to receive credit.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE TEST AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO --------> DRIVER ATTITUDE TEST RADIO ETIQUETTE TRAINING Below is a video covering radio etiquette. Please watch the video and then take the test below to receive credit.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE TEST AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO --------> RADIO ETIQUETTE TEST KNOWING YOUR ROUTE TRAINING Below is a video about knowing your route. Please watch the video and then take the test below to receive credit.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE TEST AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO --------> KNOWING YOUR ROUTE TEST CDL TEST PRACTICE EXAMS Now that you have completed all of the CDL courses it is time to practice for the test. Please select the link below to begin. Only select General Knowledge, Air Brakes, Passenger, and School Bus tests. LINK: CDL Practice Tests
School Bus Information- My Ride K-12 App
My Ride K-12 Parent Communication App FAQ
What is different in the new app?
My Ride K-12 provides the same powerful functionality but is built using more modern technology, allowing to quickly offer new features or updates and ensure the app continues to meet needs better.
Who will get the new My Ride K-12 app?
All districts currently using Ride 360 will have access to the rereleased version, which has been rebranded as My Ride K-12. Current users will be able to log in to the new app using their existing Ride 360 credentials.
When will parents, guardians, and other users need to download the new My Ride K-12 app?
How to access the My Ride K-12 website
1. Using the Chrome browser, go to
2. If you do not already have a registered email, click Sign up.
3. To register, enter your email address, a password, and name.
4. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in your email to confirm your registration through the My Ride K-12 website.
5. When prompted, search for the name of the school district your child attends.
6. Enter the unique information required by your district to find your student. Repeat this step to add additional students.
7. Once you have linked to a student, click on that student’s profile to see all relevant transportation information.
8. To share a student link with another person, select a student and click the Share button.
9. Enter the email of the person you would like to share with. That person will receive a confirmation email that will automatically link them to the shared student(s). Recipients must register with My Ride K-12, if they have not already done so, to access the student’s information.
How to access the My Ride K-12 mobile application
1. Download My Ride K-12 from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
2. After the app installation is complete, open My Ride K-12.
3. When prompted to find your school district, search for the name of the school district your child attends.
4. Once you have selected your district, you will proceed to the login page. If you do not already have a registered email, click Register.
5. To register, enter your email address, a password, and name.
6. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Tap on the link in your email to confirm your registration through the My Ride K-12 website.
7. Log in, then find a student by going to My Students and choosing the + button. This will present the Add Student screen.
8. Enter the unique information required by our district to find your student. Repeat this step to add additional students.
9. Once you have linked to a student, click on that student’s profile to see all relevant transportation information.
10. Press the Share button to share a student link with someone else.
11. Enter the email of the person you would like to share with. That person will receive a confirmation email that will automatically link them to the shared student(s). Recipients must register with My Ride K-12, if they have not already done so, to access the student information.
12. Regularly check for updates to ensure that your device is running the latest version of the app.
13. Remain logged in to the app to receive district notifications, even when the app is not actively running.
Special Needs Transportation
Mileage Form
Transportation Department Goals
Riding in a school bus is much safer than using any other form of transportation – including personal vehicles and railroad and airline travel. According to the Transportation Research Board, part of the National Academy of Sciences, a child is 13 times safer in a school bus than in other modes of travel. Children driving to school or riding with other teenage drivers are 44 times more likely to be fatally injured than in a school bus. (The Relative Risks of School Travel, 2002.)
We are working hard to ensure a bully free and safe environment for students on the bus. We want to enlist your help as a parent. Encourage your child to communicate with their bus driver, teacher or administrator if they don't feel safe on the school bus. We ask that you impress upon your child the importance of following bus safety rules and to obey the bus driver at all times. Staying in their seat at all times is a must for a safe ride to and from school.
Mission Statement: We will provide professional, safe, efficient, and reliable transportation services to all eligible students in the Tooele County area in accordance with state and federal regulations.
Motto: Safe. Professional. Dependable
Goal #1 - Safety
- The safety of our students and staff will be the first thing considered in all decisions.
- Provide the proper education on school bus safety, rules, regulations, and evacuation procedures.
- Operate in accordance with state and federal laws while attaining to the state and national standards for best practices.
Goal #2 - Efficient Operations
- Eligible students will be transported to and from school using the safest, most efficient, and cost-effective means possible.
- Drivers will ensure on time pickup and departure of school bus routes by being prepared and on time to work each day.
- Increase communication to stakeholders through social media, email, phone, and webpage publications.
Goal #3 - Professional Training
- Professional training will be provided for all transportation employees in accordance with state and federal laws.
- Personnel files and driver records will efficiently be managed to ensure each employee is receiving the necessary certifications and trainings required by law.
- Each employee will be evaluated annually to ensure they are up to date with the most recent terms and regulations attaining to their occupation.
Goal #4 -Vehicle Maintenance
- All district vehicles will be maintained to the highest operating standards possible with the resources allotted.
- Drivers will be diligent in performing daily pre-trip and post-trip inspections on school buses to ensure safety and reliability. An inspected school bus is a safe school bus.
- School buses will receive annual inspections by state certified mechanics to ensure proper mechanical function.
Transportation Guidelines
All transportation services as with other related services, are dependent upon the individual education program of the student with special needs. The transportation department will participate in any IEP/504 team decisions in exception to these guidelines. Any changes to the services addressed should be submitted to the local school and the SPED department. This may take up to five days to be implemented.
*Students will receive service that are appropriate to serve them safely in the least restrictive environment as directed by the IEP or 504 plan.
*For students with special needs, curbside service will be provided. However, other service levels, including neighborhood bus stops, maybe used. The district does not provide transportation to daycare outside of district boundaries.
TRAVEL TIME: Travel time may change when modifications are made to a route. The district attempts to limit riding to less than one hour when possible.
DELAYED BUSES: Please wait 15 minutes after the scheduled bus arrival time before contacting Transportation if a bus has not arrived at the scheduled time or if no one is present at the drop off time to meet a special needs student, for safety reasons, the student may be returned to their school or to the Police Department.
ILL STUDENTS: To help prevent the spread of illnesses, students that are sick should NOT be sent to school. A parent or guardian is responsible for taking the student home if the student becomes ill.
LOST ITEMS ON THE BUS: Items left on the bus will be turned over to the school. Students may retrieve lost items the next school day.
CAMERAS: Video cameras may be used on school buses to monitor student behavior. Video images will not be made public.
STUDENTS NOT RIDING: If a student does not ride the bus for 10 consecutive school days, the driver will stop going to that bus stop. To cancel or resume services please call the transportation department at (435-833-1919).
CAR SEATS: Car seats are not required due to the design of school buses. If the IEP or 504 team feels that it is necessary for the safety of students a car seat can be used.
WHEELCHAIRS: Wheelchairs must be safe to transport including brakes and seatbelts that are inworking order.
SEATBELTS: Seatbelts should be used when present.
ASSIGNED SCHOOL BUS: In keeping with the legal requirements to serve students in the least restrictive environment, the transportation department may use a variety of school buses. Although efforts will be made to provide the same bus, it may be changed for operational reasons.
STUDENT SAFETY: At the beginning of each school year, each student will receive instruction in safe riding practices and will participate in emergency bus evacuation drills.
We are committed to the safety of students on the bus and at the bus stop, however, due to inappropriate behavior, students can be exposed to unsafe situations because of their own or others' behavior. These situations may require parent assistance and participation in order to ensure the safety of students when traveling to and from the bus stop.
Utah Risk Management Driving Course
Utah Risk Management has required all district employees who will be driving a district insured vehicle to complete an online Defensive Driving course every year. To access the course please click the link below:
Sign up to create your own account.
Security Keyword: tooele
Risk Management - School TransporTation Guidelines Latest Version