Social Services and Mental Health
- Crisis Management
- Suicide Prevention
- Grief Resources
- Parent Resources
- Healthy Coping Skills
- Teen Centers
- Wellness Centers
- Grants
- Staff
- ADA Accessible Documents
Crisis Management
- Call or Text 911 for Emergency Response or call MCOT (Mobile Crisis Outreach Team) at 435-882-5600
- Call, Text, or Chat SafeUT for any areas of concern
Suicide Prevention
My Life is Worth Living includes five powerful stories told over 20 episodes. In each episode, relatable teen characters wrestle with challenges that are all too familiar for many viewers and discover strategies to cope when it feels like their own thoughts are against them. Over the course of each character’s journey, they realize that life is worth living.
They don’t go it alone. Each character learns that support can come from family, friends, or even people they least expect and that the comfort of a sympathetic person can provide the relief they didn’t think possible. As the teens learn to share their burdens, cope in healthy ways, and accept support, that self-critical voice becomes less intrusive, and those bad situations become more hopeful. They learn that life at times can seem bleak, and that negative thoughts are often part of the experience, but also that we all deserve love and support, that no situation is hopeless, and that their lives are worth living.
Suicide Prevention Training and Plan
Our Young Children & Suicide Prevention: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers Provided by MHTTC.
Self-Harm & Suicide Awareness and Prevention (Early Adolescence) Provided by MHTTC.
Teen Suicide full - 1080 from UT Suicide Prevention Coalition (Live On Utah).
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Safe Schools Tip-line
Live On Utah
What you can do if you think someone might be considering Suicide:
Talk to the person you are worried about and ask if they are suicidal.
Watch for warning signs: depression and hopelessness, substance abuse, giving away possessions, dramatic mood changes, intense anger.
Get help immediately.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 1-800-273-TALK (8255) ~ 1-888-628-9454 (Spanish)
"Uni"- University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute: 801-583-2500
State Crisis Hotline (24 hours): 801-587-3000
Additional Resources
Grief Resources
Parent Resources
- Parent Guidance
- Additional Resources
- Parent Coaching
- Daybreak Mental Health
- Community Resources
- Playworks
Parent Guidance
A Mental Health and Wellness Comprehensive Solution for Family Engagement ParentGuidance.Org is a comprehensive solution for schools that was designed to foster a positive, proactive, and productive culture around Mental Health and Wellness by increasing parent engagement. This portfolio of customized and “just in time” supports include no cost and contracted services. The no cost solutions are provided by a grant from our non-profit organization: The Cook Center for Human Connection. ParentGuidance.Org represents The Cook Center’s response to our U.S. Surgeon General’s call for more mental health access in schools, greater and equal access to health experts and stigma reducing services.
We provide several points of entry for parents and caregivers to learn about parenting strategies that foster greater confidence and a dedicated commitment and focus on the mental health of the entire family. Furthermore, this portfolio of comprehensive services offers a bridge to stronger communication with the school community that will enhance student academic achievement, performance, and overall well-being. We strive to increase capacity for caregivers so they can impact the learning capacity of their children-your students at an optimal level of success.
Services Included:
● Parent 50 On- demand Mental Health and Wellness Parenting Courses in English and Spanish
● Ask A Therapist Library of frequently asked questions around Mental Health concerns
As a comprehensive solution, ParentGuidance.Org components work together to support parents/caregivers individually that directly impact a more positive culture around Mental Health in your school community. Each component provides a unique “opt-in” entry point to help parents engage productively in their child’s mental wellness. Parents will participate based on their individual needs and comfort level. We find that program participants who are taking our courses will naturally gravitate to other services as their comfort level increases and interests expand:
❖ ParentGuidance.Org provides every parent and caretaker in your district regardless of financial means or formal education a comfortable entry point to our no cost digital course library where they can get trusted support and “just in time” help for their children. Too often parents can’t find accurate information for the specific question they have about parenting and mental health. is backed by experts in parenting and mental health. To date, 2.7 million families have access to our library of resources.
Additional Resources
- On-demand resources for parents to learn more about helping their children’s mental well-being.
- The first animated series to tackle mental health and suicide prevention.
- The mission of the Cook Center is to bring together the best organizations, programs, and products to prevent suicide, provide mental health support, and enhance human connections vital for people to thrive.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Supporting Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions- There is no cost to register, and the target audience is parents and service providers who support young adults and their parents (therapists, clergy, school counselors, case managers, peer support specialists, etc.).
Social Media Risks- Your child’s brain is developing rapidly, making them more susceptible to the harms of social media. And though they might put on a brave face, they could be hurting underneath. It’s time to unmask the harms of social media.
Parent Coaching
Daybreak Mental Health
What is Daybreak Mental Health?
Student success starts with mental health. Daybreak has partnered with Tooele County School District to provide personalized mental health support to help students reach their full potential. Our teletherapy programs are designed to give each student access to high-quality, affordable, and culturally competent care that meets their unique needs.
Daybreak Parent Classes
Daybreak provides a library of live, virtual classes—led by licensed clinicians—for families and school staff to learn about youth mental health and how we can effectively understand, identify, and support kids' needs.
Parent Courses
Throughout the school year, the Tooele County School District invites parents and caregivers to join in an anonymous Mental Health Parent Series webinar each month. These webinars are free and completely anonymous.
Upcoming Webinars
Past Webinars
- Understand relationships between mental health with exercise and physical movement.
- Learn about body image & eating disorders in teens.
- Learn communication strategies, and how to encourage a healthy relationship with exercise.
- Q&A with a licensed clinician.
Wednesday, May 29
6 PM- 7 PM
- Learn about the prevalence and impact of anxiety.
- Differentiate between feelings (stress, anxiety) & anxiety disorders.
- Identify signs and symptoms of anxiety.
- Learn actionable ways to help support your child with anxiety.
- Q&A with a licensed clinician.
Passcode: 9UN.Fi1C
Community Resources
Maintaining your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Utah 211 works with several programs that can get you the support you need. These programs provide preventative, diagnostic, and treatment services in both community and hospital-based settings. You can also find information for mental health education, crisis support, and counseling.
Toll-free: 866.262.9587
There is a message of hope and help in the program of Al-Anon Family Groups. Women, men and children who were once lonely, lost and helpless because of someone's drinking, today have courage and confidence in themselves through Al-Anon and Alateen. They have discovered friends who understand, as few others can. They have found the tools to help themselves - which can indirectly help their alcoholic relatives or loved ones.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
If you or someone you know has a problem with drinking you are most welcome in any meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Central Office is here to assist in finding meetings and connecting alcoholics to each other. There are no obligations, nothing to sign, and anonymity is the foundation of all our traditions.
The Alliance of Hope provides healing support for people coping with the shock, excruciating grief, and complex emotions that accompany the loss of a loved one to suicide. We hope that you will find resources here to help you deal with, and eventually heal from, the pain of your loss.
Our practice specializes in serving individuals of all ages, including children, teenagers, couples, families, and adults. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to address a wide range of concerns, including depression, anxiety, behavioral challenges, academic difficulties, interpersonal conflicts, and substance misuse.
Beacon Residential Recovery Living Is a Sober environment where we support our residents with tools for a successful Recovery and post addictive life. Learning new ways to their new life can be challenging. The Beacon House is here from day one and forever a community of love and support. We will believe in you when you forget how to believe in yourself.
Bears Ears Child & Family Therapy
Bear’s Ears Child and Family Therapy’s mission is to provide support for individuals through individual and family focused services.
A Hope and Comfort in Grief Program is based in the University of Utah College of Nursing. The Mission of Caring Connections is to provide excellent evidence-based bereavement care to grieving persons in the intermountain west through clinician facilitated support groups; and, in keeping with the academic mission of the University and the College of Nursing, to provide opportunity for clinical education in grief and loss to students in the health care professions, and to conduct research which promotes greater understanding of loss, grief and bereavement. In partnership with the State of Utah Department of Human Services, and with several community organizations, we are working to increase awareness of grief, grief literacy and create compassionate communities that are responsive to the loss and suffering that accompanies bereavement.
Our team members are friendly and compassionate. We help guide our clients along their path to strength and wellness, and support them during their progress in treatment and recovery. We utilize several different person-centered and evidence-based treatment methods to meet the needs of every person we serve. We want our clients to heal and progress, not only in their recovery, but in all aspects of their lives. Our goal is to help clients live a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Department of Workforce Services
Our department serves hundreds of thousands of Utahns from various backgrounds with different types of needs. Through our divisions, we make a difference in the lives of many through temporary assistance and services for employment, child care, low-income families, refugees, individuals with disabilities, affordable housing and homelessness.
In addition, we support the economic stability of Utah by providing support to businesses by connecting them to qualified candidates and managing unemployment insurance. We are also the source of economic data and research on Utah’s economy. Explore each of our divisions to learn more about the services and programs that strengthen our communities.
Division of Child and Family Services
Child Abuse Intake Hotline 855.323.3237
The mission of the Utah Division of Child and Family Services is to keep children safe from abuse and neglect through the strengthening of families. This is accomplished with individualized, trauma-informed, community-based services that are both safety-driven and family-driven, and the funding of domestic violence shelters and outreach services.
Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services
The Mission Of The Division Of Juvenile Justice And Youth Services Is To Be A Leader In The Field Of Juvenile Justice By Changing Young Lives, Supporting Families And Keeping Communities Safe. We Provide A Continuum Of Intervention, Supervision, And Rehabilitation Programs To Youth Offenders While Assuring Public Safety.
Youth Services Offers:
Individualized youth and family plan with comprehensive access to services
Standardized model throughout the state with a single hub to streamline all early intervention services
Screening and assessment to accurately identify youth and family strengths and needs
Ability to procure services based on youth and family needs
Research from the Family Acceptance Project® shows that families play a critical role in contributing to serious health risks & promoting well-being for LGBTQ young people.
Learn about how family behaviors affect your LGBTQ child’s health risks and ways to reduce risk and increase support.
Tooele: 801.608.1546
There are 24,000 children in Utah that have a grandparent as primary caregiver. Although the number one reason for this fact is drug use by the child’s parent(s), there are also other issues such as poverty, death of the parent, incarceration and mental illness.
These children come to their relative’s home with a myriad of issues and caregivers face many obstacles in meeting their needs. Many of these children have been neglected and abused in the homes of their parents.
Life’s Worth Living Foundation
435.248.LIVE (5483)
The focus of this foundation is suicide awareness and suicide loss grief support. Support group meetings are held the 4th Thursday of each month at 7 pm at Mountain West Medical Center 2055 N. Main Street, Tooele. Life’s Worth Living support is nondenominational and anyone who has lost a family member or friend to suicide is invited to attend.
Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT)
Tooele MCOT services are operated 24 hours a day 7 days a week for anyone in the Tooele County area. Our team is certified with the state as an MCOT team and are certified Case Managers and mental health officers. This team is used for any type of mental health crisis and works with the State of Utah UNI crisis line.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Utah)
NAMI Utah offers free support groups and education for anyone impacted by mental health conditions throughout Utah – including those with mental health conditions and their family members or loved ones. Our popular programs, in English and Spanish, educate and support participants, helping them realize they are not alone, recovery is possible and treatment works.
NAMI Utah offers hope for anyone in Utah impacted by mental illness through our free courses and support groups. Our peer-led programs are taught by certified teachers and facilitators who have personal experience with their own mental health condition or with a loved one who has a mental health condition.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Our mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health. This involves strategically supporting and conducting basic and clinical research on drug use (including nicotine), its consequences, and the underlying neurobiological, behavioral, and social mechanisms involved.
Nat-su Healthcare was founded in 2018. It was opened to help serve all residents of the Tooele County area with health services for those who have Medicaid. We also have an onsite Pharmacy. We are owned and operated by the Skull Valley Band of Goshutes. We also accept and provide health care services to all federally recognized American Indians and Alaskan Natives.
New Reflection House-Clubhouse Program
Clubhouse is a supportive environment for men and women who are challenged by mental illness. It’s a place where members are embraced and not treated as clients or patients. They feel welcome, safe, appreciated and where they are accorded the dignity and respect they deserve. It’s an opportunity to participate in a work-ordered day as a response to the debilitating effects of isolation, marginalization, stigma and fragmented self-esteem. Members work side by side with staff and other members in order to manage all aspects of the day-to-day operations of the program from food service and maintenance to clerical and administration. Members develop the task-oriented stamina, discipline, rhythm, and confidence necessary to succeed in the workplace. Members and staff develop relationships based on trust, teamwork, and mutual recognition of each other’s contributions. It’s an opportunity to move towards independence and away from dependance.
Optum believes every person has the right to be healthy. Optum also believes everyone has the right to self-respect. Optum believes everyone has the right to hope. Optum believes everyone has a right to live in a community they choose.Mental health recovery is a journey of healing. It is also a journey of change. It can help people live a meaningful life in a community they choose. It helps people reach their full potential. Each of us gets a wide range of support from our community. Many people get help with education or housing. Others get help with health and mental health. Some get support with employment, safety, security and more. Optum will work with leaders and partners in the community to expand strong systems of care.The main goal of Optum is to help people pursue wellness and recovery. We want to improve care and how people get care, while managing costs.
Introducing Parent Guidance - a mental health resource giving parents the tools to have the important conversations at home. We help educators, help parents, help their children. Parent Guidance offers free research-backed, online resources for parents today.
Pathways Domestic Violence Shelter
Office: 435.843.1677
Crisis Line: 435.231.3557
Pathways offers emergency shelter for individuals and families who are fleeing from domestic violence. We provide a homelike atmosphere with trained professionals who staff our facility 24/7. Services and resources are provided to assist our guests in healing and gaining independence. We offer emergency shelter, 24-hour domestic violence crisis line, case management, support groups, safety planning, referrals to community resources, and outreach.
Advocacy and shelter services are confidential and free of charge.
Pathway Real Life Recovery in Utah builds treatment programs designed around each unique client to help individuals and families overcome their unhealthy beliefs, which often interfere with their ability to sustain long-term change. Regardless if the issue is within an individual, relationship or family unit – Pathways finds a REAL solution! Our system implements life principles that allow the client and family to heal, strengthen, and fully recover.
Trauma is timeless. Even though it might have happened a long time ago, it can feel as though it is happening over again every day. Trauma and mental illness negatively impact every part of our lives. Even a simple trip to the grocery store can feel overwhelming. Work can feel impossible and few people understand. We feel a special connection to anyone with trauma or mental illness because we all experience trauma and hardships of our own. We at Rubicon Counseling believe that you deserve to feel cared for and validated. As a symptom of deep trauma, we often try to numb our pain. Unfortunately numbing the pain also numbs happiness. Human beings are meant to experience a full range of emotion. As healing occurs you will begin to feel that you can embrace the hard times as well as fully enjoy the great times. Our mission is to find you a therapist who cares about you and understands you. Our goal is for your life to become peaceful, meaningful and happy.
Private freestanding psychiatric hospital specializing in mental health and substance abuse treatment. We provide a wide range of services and programs that offer evidence-based treatment proven to have positive outcomes for our patients.
Download the SafeUT app from Google Play or Apple App Store
Call or text a counselor using this toll-free number 1-800-273-8255. The SafeUT line is designed to provide 24/7 crisis intervention and emotional support in any type of crisis. Use it to get help and understanding for: relationship difficulties, loss and grief, depression, anxiety, school problems, drug & alcohol problems, self-harm, suicide, or any life challenge that concerns you. There is also the SAFEUTNG for the National Guard and Military and a SafeUT for first responders. provides helpful information for people who are dealing with substance use issues — and their family members, friends, and co-workers, too. We know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges faced by those who misuse alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs, or other substances, and we aim to break through the clutter to help people at any stage of recovery.
Life isn’t always easy. Everyone has battles to fight and hurdles to overcome at some point. Sometimes, even the strongest people need a little bit of help to work through some of life’s more challenging problems. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, or any other problem, you should know that there is hope for a better tomorrow. While you might be hesitant to seek out help, support, and therapy for personal matters, know that you are taking a courageous first step towards getting to a better place and being a better you.
System of Care: High-Fidelity Wraparound
System of Care is a customized mental health service approach to keep families safely together while effectively helping children with emotional and/or behavioral health needs thrive in their homes, schools and communities, a wraparound approach. Mobilization and Stabilization services available, provides services in your home to minimize the impact of a crisis.
Tooele Community Resource Center (CRC)
To empower families and individuals in need by addressing the underlying causes of their poverty and providing each client with a personalized, comprehensive plan that supports them on their journey to self-sufficiency and the opportunity to contribute to the community.
Tooele County Health Department
To enhance the health and well-being of Tooele County.
If you are in need of emergency food assistance, please visit us during our pantry hours (Monday and Wednesday 12:00 pm, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm / 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm). At the pantry, you will have the opportunity to meet with our pantry counselors to assess your situation and review your budget. You must fall within the federal poverty guidelines.
We believe in what the research shows— finding the right fit of clinician correlates with a more successful outcome in therapy. We prioritize the strong connection between clients and clinicians. From the initial phone call, we are committed to creating a positive and trusting relationship. Finding the right fit for each individual, ensures that you feel comfortable and confident in your therapeutic journey. Our client-centered approach involves ongoing communication, empowering you to take an active role in your mental health and create your own balance for a better life.
Provides daytime counseling and crisis intervention for youth unable to be taken home. Counselors and education representatives are available to provide needed therapy and school services. Services operated through Valley Behavioral Health offer free crisis support for children and youth, ages 6 to 17, and their families. Children and youth, along with their parents and/or guardians are welcome to come during times of crisis. Agency works to provide short-term individual and family counseling, consultations, anger management, and group counseling.
The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ young people. We provide information & support to LGBTQ young people 24/7, all year round.
Child sex trafficking involves the giving or receiving of anything of value (money, shelter, food, clothing, drugs, etc.) to any person in exchange for a sex act with someone under the age of 18. Sex trafficking is experienced by children of all ages, races, and socio-economic circumstances and occurs in urban, suburban, rural communities, and land-based nations and other tribal communities. Children who are trafficked in the US may be US citizens or children who are brought to the US from other countries. Use the sex trafficking screening kit for evaluation.
The mission of the Utah Parent Center (UPC or Center) is to help parents help their children, youth and young adults with all disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community. We accomplish our mission by providing accurate information, empathetic peer support, valuable training and effective advocacy based on the concept of parents helping parents.
Valley is a proud partner and resource to the community of Tooele County. We are here to help by providing support and treatment for a variety of behavioral conditions. We are a responsive community partner empowering individuals and families to lead more fulfilling lives by providing appropriate, innovative, outcome-based programs, tools, services, and resources across the continuum of health and social needs. Learn more about the programs and services we provide.
988 Option 1
SMS: 838255
If you're a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, the Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource that connects you to a real person specially trained to support Veterans. Care doesn’t end when the conversation is over. Our responders can connect you with the resources you need. You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to use the Veterans Crisis Line. Continuing care after the call, chat, or text, Veterans Crisis Line responders can refer Veterans to a local suicide prevention coordinator (SPC). Available in each VA medical center across the country, SPCs can connect Veterans to the counseling and services they need.
Responders are also available 24/7 to help active-duty service members and their families and friends through a crisis through the Military Crisis Line. Service members, including members of the National Guard and Reserves, along with their loved ones, can Dial 988 and Press 1, chat online at, or send a text to 838255 to receive free, confidential support.
Youth Resource Center: 888 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84101, Open 24/7 801.364.0744
Through our Street Outreach program, we're able to gain the trust of youth and offer much-needed services at VOA's Youth Resource Center for homeless teens. We offer emergency shelter beds, 24/7 assistance, three meals a day and free legal services through our Homeless Youth Legal Clinic. And, programming dedicated to education assistance, job training, counseling, and volunteer-run groups.
The volunteer lead YPR-Salt Lake City Chapter currently does YPR Programming every day of the week. We have 4 large, public Pro-Social Events planned for 2023. We have Community partners in Odyssey House where we provide All-Recovery Meetings, Workshops and Pro-Social Events at 4 of their adult residential treatment centers and 1 adolescent residential treatment center. Our Partnership with Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA) provides Advocacy collaboration opportunities as well as a meeting space for our regular Monday night, public All-Recovery Meeting. Additionally, our partnership with the Volunteers of America Youth Resource Center (VOA-YRC) allows us an opportunity to bring Community Engagement opportunities, All-Recovery Meeting and Workshops to adolescents experiencing homelessness. Our Chapter has an amazing Advisory Board, an active Chapter Leadership Team, and many great volunteers and chapter members. We are always looking for new members, Community Partners, Event Sponsors and new ways to grow. We are very active in our YPR-SLC Facebook group which has over 700 members. Events and schedules are posted there.
Play is one of the most important ways in which children learn.” - Jack Shonkoff,
Director of the Center on the Developing Child at
Harvard UniversityThrough play, children discover the joy of physical activity. They learn the social and emotional skills they will use in the classroom, in the workplace, and in life.
Healthy Coping Skills
We are dedicated to sharing the gifts of mindfulness through content, training, courses, and events—helping people enjoy better health, foster more caring relationships, and cultivate a more compassionate society.
We offer courses, personal stories, news-you-can-use, practical advice, resources and insights that speak to anyone from novice meditators looking for guidance to corporate managers exploring new ways to cultivate workplace engagement and fulfillment. Our audience learns from leaders in the field about effective techniques for mindful living, and the science that points to its benefits.
Mindfulness for Teens
Being a teen is stressful! Whether it’s school, friends, or dating, the teen years are full of difficult changes-both mentally and physically. If you’re like many teens, you may have difficulty dealing with stress in effective ways. You aren’t alone, and there are things you can do to stay calm, no matter how stressful life becomes. All you need to do is stop, breathe, and be mindful and aware in the present moment.
Virtual Calming Room
This Virtual Calming Room is a place for students, families and staff to find tools and strategies for managing our emotions and feelings and helping to build our resilience.
Self Care
Self Care Tips from NAMI
Self-care refers to intentionally engaging in practices and activities that reduce stress. Self-care can look really different for different people. To figure out what self-care means to you, think about what makes you feel good. Maybe it's taking a long shower with good-smelling soaps. Maybe it's going for a run or having a solo dance party. Maybe it's calling up a good friend. What makes you feel cared for can change depending on how you're feeling. Pay attention to what makes you feel nourished, and try to make time to do one of those things every day.
myStrength is an evidence-based educational digital resource from Teledoc Health and Intermountain Health. It is a clinically based assessment to design a mental well-being plan and is free to individuals with the access code. The program is private, personalized, and secure with a customized experience and resources that are adjusted to your changing needs.
Teen Centers
What is a Teen Center?
At Tooele County School District, we recognize the overwhelming challenges our homeless students face.
Many students in our district experience homelessness and homeless students lack the basic needs that many of us take for granted. The Teen Center provides help, support, and services that eliminate barriers and obstacles. Our Teen Centers are more than just facilities. Teen Centers provide students with private places to shower, do laundry, study, and receive one-on-one assistance from dedicated educators, social workers, and community partners. More importantly, students access a community that believes in their potential and supports their journey towards graduation and a brighter future.
Teen Center Locations
Services We Want to Provide
Food Assistance
Food packs
Weekend Meal Kits
Family Meal Kits
One on One Assistance
Mental Health
Independent Living Skills
Career Guidance
Employment Training Guidance
New Student Onboarding
Language Translation
Social & Coping Skills
Social Emotional Learning
Hygiene kits
Shower facilities
School supplies
Make a Donation
Interested in donating to the Teen Centers at WHS and THS?
Make a Donation Through Tooele Education Foundation
Wellness Centers
The Mental Health Services being provided to TCSD students are paid for through grant funding through USBE and SAMHSA.
USBE Mental Health Grant provides mental health funding for students who are uninsured or underinsured. Students and their families have been able to seek contracted providers in the community for mental health treatment.
Project AWARE Grant The purpose of the Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) program is to develop a sustainable infrastructure for school-based mental health programs and services. AWARE grantees build collaborative partnerships to implement mental health-related promotion, awareness, prevention, intervention, and resilience activities to ensure that school-aged youth have access and are connected to appropriate and effective behavioral health services.
Through Project AWARE and USBE, TCSD has hired four full-time Master’s level School Social Workers and two Bachelor’s level School Social Workers to provide mental health interventions in our schools.