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Julie Spindler

PBIS (Safe Schools) Coordinator

Email Julie SPindler

Welcome to Tooele County School District Prevention. 
Tooele County and the Tooele County School District have a unique ability to work together with community agencies toward a common goal to promote prevention and healthy lifestyles. 
Through collaboration with our local prevention coalition, Tooele Interagency Prevention Professionals (TIPP), over 25 community prevention partners meet monthly to emphasize their mission:  
Through collaborative programming and networking, provide the citizens of Tooele County the support, guidance, and resources to improve their quality of life by being drug free, healthy, and contributing members of society. 
The vision of the TIPP coalition is:We empower the citizens of Tooele County to make informed decisions regarding health, relationships, careers, and the pursuit of their goals.  
Tooele County School District is proud to be part of a prevention minded community, working toward the improved health and well-being of our students, staff, and the communities in which we live. We know that through collaboration, we are enriching the lives of our students and making our county a much better place to live.