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Career and Technical Education

Kristy McLachlan

Kristy McLachlan
CTE Director

Email Kristy McLachlan 

Career and Technical Education provides pathways for students to achieve success through secondary schools and post education. Through pathways and structured training students will learn the skills to be successful in the career or education path of their choice!  Students are given opportunities to participate in student led organizations (CTSO)  that help teach them leadership skills and achieve success on a state and national level. There are coordinators at different High Schools that you can contact with school specific questions and comments. CTE offers classes in different programs.

Each program has multiple pathways that guide students to a particular career or college degree choice. The pathways are recognized when a student graduates and enables them to articulate skills they have learned. 

 Utah CTE Career Pathways  

TCSD Pathways

CTE News

Check out these episodes of Elevated Insights to learn more about our CTE programs: