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Considered Boundary Options

Tooele County School District's Boundary Committee diligently worked since February 2023 to address the evolving needs of our growing community, particularly with the impending addition of Deseret Peak High School and Stansbury Junior High School in fall 2025. After engaging in bi-monthly meetings, soliciting public input, and consulting with board representatives, the committee crafted three boundary options for the school board's consideration. 


To ensure comprehensive community involvement, a survey was shared on December 15, 2023 to gather public input on these proposed boundary options. Reinforcing our commitment to be transparent and inclusive during this process, we encouraged all community members to participate in engagement opportunities, such as a Facebook Live session, surveys, and a public hearing. 


Survey Highlights: 

  1. Presented three high school options. 
  2. Provided associated elementary choices based on high school selection. 
  3. Options 1 and 3 offer two elementary options; Option 2 includes three. 


As we embarked on this exciting journey of growth, contributions and feedback were invaluable, and we appreciated the continued involvement of our community members. The proposed timeline outlined key milestones, including considerations for transportation needs, application processes, focus group meetings, and public engagement sessions, leading up to the board vote in April 2024.


UPDATE (12/14/2023): Following patron feedback, the boundary committee has simplified the options and added short descriptions. The current versions reflect these updates. Thank you for your input. 

Option 1

Option 1 Map

Elementary Variations for Option 1

Option 2

Option 2 Map

Elementary Variations for Option 2

Option 3

3 Map

Elementary Variations for Option 3